April 29, 2011

FortuNE kookie swallowER!@

doN't trY to tell me my future,
NAZI wHore!

i nose where I comE fRom!
you TeLLs me nuthing! NOTHING!

if you were to tell us the tRutH fuTurE,
we would all be dead!

BeCause the TrutH of the matter is,
that Is oUr fate

so don't try To Be original, Fortune coocie sawlowwer!
wE Know your tricks of glasses half fulL

ThE real trUtH is DanGer and treAcherY!
Caution amuck ahead of all we Do!

anD alL of tHiS no MaTTer wot we do!
becaUse we ARE scrEwed!

All you suckcede iN doinG is RemIndIng us
of our Won and own morTaLitY!!

AND the numbers on the back? WHO
are you trYing to kiddd? no win! no WIN!

loTTerIes are not wun in cookies!

end yoU caLL this cookie?
No cookIe here! DRy rolled Up cardbOard!

choKlit tships spit at yoU in DEFIoNt Rage
and loNg For mOist oAtmeAly dayS

So sell your Compliemtary Ruffige elsEwherE,
cooKie of misFORTUNe and DAnger!

I Make mY oWn fortUnes aNd fAme...
weighT a MinuTe...
OOoh LoOk, it sez I wIlL meEt
a mYsteerius StranGer wHo wilL bRing me
GoOd foRtune!