May 31, 2010

Better than anything I've ever accomplished but that's not saying much part 1

Cyriak is king of things.  Click and watch from youtube for proper sizins.


Boyda said...

You didn't create this, did you? Trip. Py.

Vlafter Vristmas said...

Oy vey, I vish I vas Cyriak.

I sheet vou not: vord werification: die duc!

Boyda said...

That reminds me - I want another poll! I desire to express my opinion on something again, after having so crucially altered the outcome of backward ducks and disproportionate dresses.

Anonymous said...

cycles shadow and grin and have you ever written and denied punctuatation how do you ask a question or finish a thought if there are no periods how you do it you just do it and its breathless and much better that way dont you think dont you agree dont you dont you no corrections no mercy no hospitals please so its over and im looking at whitetoothed boys in kerouac tshirts little boys in their pladdypuss jackets and their NO EDITING

matthew says,

Anonymous said...

rathuu lez,
lordy lordy look hooz boredy
not the teddys no no no

Anonymous said...

cycles grin and dolphin smile and byrds sing tunes on tuneyard turnip tuneroonooooooooeeeex

cold cold cold humour cold cold cold cold cold on a cold cold cold

little johnny loaded his gun with 10,00000000000000,0000000 bullets and got in his tiger tank with 55,000000000000 grenades and 44400000089897079.345 soldier faces and 44400000000000008984747.000012 helmets and a skunkshirt sunday. flat tires and welding arcs bought rainbows in honda dealerships yarbo the garbo the derby cup


Anonymous said...

itz eeezy so eezy and fun fun so funn fun
note the tone not the content
cold cold cold
like before before by 2 x 4

Anonymous said...

sufi sufi spin spin spin
spin till you grin till you grin grin

Grin till you grin till you hide in a box
box till you box till you live on Rue Knox

2384 Rue Knox
4565 Pinnacle Drive
321 Clairmont Road

White House the Dwight D.

Anonymous said...

I woke up dreaming hallucinated lies
brain tricks
ear tricks
can you do one?

Can you can you?

I can jump 80 feet.

Yeah, but can you do a catwalk?

Anonymous said...

taste it taste it
read it read
red is red is red in your head

in your bed is the led ded red fed bedhed redhed wed

cigarette stigafet
puff puff puff
I'm a little teapot
short and stout
here is my handle here is my mouth

when I get all lipstick I can't sing
I can't whistle either

put it inside me
I dare you I dare

No ones laughing or paying attention

Finally stinally no ones here no one but you
no one but I

breathe breath calm down calm down

disney called, they've giot the rights
the rights the rights

Elton John Singalong


Key change


Anonymous said...

I love it. So funny.
