April 11, 2011

You read this, you leave message!

That is order!

Subjects for choosing...um...

#1) Adult diaper rash vs. tennis elbow
#2) Why nightmares are underrated
#3) If I was a possum
#4) Adventures in walking blindfolded into traffic

and go!


diamondheart said...

If I was a possum
I would dig bark
And shell shuck butterflies

Boyda Johnstone said...

1) I've never been totally sure what tennis elbow is, but I would imagine it would be better than Adult diaper rash, because the diaper rash is hidden.

2) Because the American Nightmare Ratings board has learned from the MPA heartless bastards

3) I would poke people and play a banjo?

4)It's like Frogger - but bloodier