February 1, 2012

Streemin' my Consciousness port too!

Ganzfeld procedure and all! Oh, and bolds ports is of important! Here we goo...

listing walks with a smile through the everglades of being while whistling to the tune that the trees recite on the merry-go-rounds of fates blood brother in the eavestroughs of autumns past. But smoking in the girl’s room didn’t get you far when the last of your wishes were postponed by the children you never wanted in a sea of tranquil gay asphalt smothered by the wicked witch of the east who beckoned you to come closer come closer daddeo until you are on the other side

the other side of mt. Olympus where sixteen midget farmers smell like gasoline and perch themselves on the everglades and walk seventeen miles to the nearest gas station with a gerry can full of snails that you caught on the long walk to refuel your majestic iron beast of labour who only wanted to destroy you that’s all anoe ever really wanted and now there time had to come to introduce your face to the smoother side of the shovel yes oh so smooth and that’s what you remember of the shovel as you writhe in pain on the asphalt after that horrid introduction

perhaps it was all for the best now that you don’t have that iron responsibility bogging you down anymore you can finally spend some time with the children that you never wanted and you can try to determine why it is that you still exist on this astral plane of immediacy and doctrines fitting for a quiet loving family who reads the Bible by the campfire singing come by here my lord come by here there is omotnigh nothing left but embers attacking embers in a pit of empty shame but they continue to sing knowing no other way of expressing their angst

this was long before the end times began. By then we were all more worried about the bomb and how it would effect our relationship with Stanley Kubrick as he aged badly and whispered to Steven Spielberg from his death bed “I love you Stevey and all your silly little movies, but don’t you think it’s time to be taken more seriously again like you were in that holocaust movie that prevented me from releasing a film with similar subject matter because let’s face it we’re all Hollywood whores in the end and all I really cared about was my money my big fat vat of golden money to jump into like scrooge mcduck on easter”

but then if the wicked witch really wanted to send us her easter blessings, she could have just skyped us until we were blut in the face from her ugliness but then the cigarettes in the girl’s room would have meant so much less so very much less and nothing good comes from bad in this holly dandering world but when the knives attack othee boardwalk don’t come crying to the pigeons they had it coming all along those little poop-mobiles yes even they have souls according to Dr. Howey Mandel and his attempts at having religious experience but when it all comes down to it who is the real santa claus because my money is on Tim Allen and Regis Philbin having a love child and naming it Sarah Palin

so if you ever run into a challenge with Chip’s Challenge just look it up online because all the world’s answers are found there these day even if you disconnect your Wiki bone from your eye bone it still comes out looking like fairy dust in the wind (but only ever for a moment and then the moment’s gone)

because because really really yes indeed it’s all so true even the facts that aren’t come down to truth unless you are a Moral Skeptic funny thing about them they don’t seem to use their own beliefs they seem to wallow in attention getting and don’t amount to a hill of beans they just all get reduced to the common denominator and want you to think that every moral principle does have truth value but that value is equal to falsities including punching kittens as my philosopher once told me as the girl’s smoked their cigarettes in the girl’s locker room until the teacher busted in and said what’s that noise oh mom your just jealous of the beastie boys

Sarah Palin sucks dolphin eucalyptus leaves until her skin colour turns a green shade of melanin and regifts her copy of Seinfeld Season Four because she never was a fan never could understand the humour in daily life but the pens the pens they haunt me every night wanting to be used wishing I had a way of getting my very soul onto near-two-dimensional-tree hockings but coffee is where it’s really at and totem poles would not exist if it wasn’t for medicinal marijuana gosh how I would be if I only had a brain and a newer PVR so I could record and pause live situations around me and rewind time to suit my needs and never worry about how my language effects others and yes he knows that midget is no longer PC but for some reason these are the words that come to me as I must type whatever pops up and now I’m once again getting WAY TO fucking self-referential and that’s not the point why redo it the exercise if it’s always going to come back to memememe start again dammit and do it right this time or you won’t see the loveliness that is the content of your own brain that you didn’t know was there

But what is with this importance we place on our brains instead of our minds? Some say that our brains and minds are only connected in Western thought so does that mean that when I go to India or China or wherever I go in the East my mind and brain separate? That’s an interesting thought can we all reintroduce ourselves to slavery if we only try because it’s about time that the words began to reflect the entrapments felt by all the introspective anatomic anomalies living in captivity the world over wishing they also had pens haunting them so that their lives would grow meaning through poetry oh yes that’s what would happen the pen will save you because words are powerful monkey indeed

So if there were ever a question of words living withing the trappings of government ohousing that left you blindsided and deranged with fears of unknown travelers entering your pantalones then you could join the infantry where do armies live? Up your sleevies with a rubber hose and a donkey fit for a king of French fries living in the basement of Burger King longing for a grapefruit and a stick of chewing gum so he could get all MacGiver up in the hizzo and rescue his princess who happened to be in another castle at the time oh if only there were ever a question in all of these words that stood the test of time and reached out to those live within the confines of jurisdictional prudence

See this is what I’m not talking about right now: kittens are slaves to their doggy overlords and worship at the feet of mousey tongues Mao tse Tung on a dunghill spotted the rabbit and ran over the wishing well mao tse tung was Ebert and Roeper’s brain child and ran through the streets with his thumbs raised high in the air to see if the wind direction would change at the request of a dictator shit head that didn’t understand the trapping and drooping technique of the snowmobile children in their rectally disfigured long distance running shoes boo birds come out when the wild geese fly goon chibs and liver squirts out of the blood hiver that would be winder in friench or something but when you stink of the children they reek and reek havoc on the eldery who never saw it coming because cataracts is the real silent killer in those days and it only ever affect the unsuspecting whose eyes had already risen up in revolt against the dictatorial powers of Evert and Rover the two blind mice dogs from Canada that noone ever knew because they never defected to the states until it was too late because movies were no longer being offered as penance for the sins of the underworthy smelly lot of briget jones will smith lovely weather out there today in the clouds and surfers

It’s the really thing when you think of cloud and hammer going together one by one singing songs of redemption and freedom until Bobby boy felll on his own sword and admitted defeat at the hands of the pen army who insisted they get yet one more mention in our story

So now if you look to the west you will see a kite being flown by bir bigrd and rumplestilskin’s cousin mr. ed they fly for freedom and taco ships that only they can see and fly around the would in their plastic kitemobiles within the confines of unreality which is just to the right of insanity and on the other side of Mount consciousness.

Dig a little farther and you will notice that the skills you incorporate will only destroy you if you don’t use them to their full knowledge of sparrows and kites and little green men who left their asses on the tanning bed for too long only to be shamed into becoming aliens and flying to St. Paul’s landing pad only to be disappointed by the service at their Boston Pizza yeah it’s not quite as good as in the city but you still get the nachos all the same but sometimes the nachos aren’t good enough sometimes you have to step it up and get inside your own disadvantaged bicycle and ride off into the sunset seeking yet again another little old lasyy who tells you whow to live a life of pure contemplative bliss with monks who only want to steal your secrets of how to get a real old fashioned gal where she wants to be if only they understood the madness within

Hyeah kayhty was okay but she didn’t know how to please a lady or a man without breaking their limbs into little pieces it was like animal living where their coitus only cuases damage to everything involved and mothers love the taste of afterbirth and that’s why they lick their newborns clean it’s not because they are neat freaks they just really love the taste it puts them into a catnip trance but it’s nothing to do with me don’t shoot the messenger sorry if that image is no longer sacred but somebody had to break the bad news over your head like a ten dollar ikea lamp that only works if you think happy thoughts and the base never stays connected because Captain Hook doesn’t think that hamsters have any bearing on the situation but we all know he’s dead wrong and we have his right hand to prove it

So when the wild wind blows through your fat fat hair remember that it’s only a sign of the apocalypse yes this is the only way to break it to you through versification and denial of custordy rights through which your true intentions always lean slightly to the left because you weren’t raised in the church and now everything is socialist dream boats and communist manufesticans communist manioctoberfesto that is correct I went there now deal with it hippies

So if you so to the soso it’s a no no until the dough rises through the Kaisers and pork egg roll and cheese so this is how the world will end not with a bang and also NOT with a whisper but with an episode of this is your life and the light at the end of the tunnel is just the McDonald’s golden arches but you haven’t really been that mislead since it’s still going to kill you anyways where was I oh yeah the bit about the cords and misshapen apocaltyptic end time struggle starring Leo DiCrappio and Arnold the Dictator yes yes oh for the love of the English languase it’s a daydream colliding with another spaceship bound for St. Paul nad this time they mean business but even if they enslaved St. Paul noone would notice until Saturnalia or the Rodeo or if someone invited their long lost relative to bingo that Sunday and they reported back to the KGB with the bad news baeard switness to the salmonella food stamp truck of holy water and hot god water and fishing Canada until the labourious journey is complete and the usb protocol ohas been met with avengeance auto correcting the inside of my kidneys until they explode in a wet mass of excrement and taquitos for the holiday season but if there was a way to imploy the unemployable the dictators would having nothing to say to that in their hallowed towers of mistaken identity and fishing collisions toward Saturn in their cheap jockies and liverwurst sandwiches by the sea shore

Still this mystery can only be defined by its denominator and certainly only emplys the bare minimum of census workds e workers living in their pyjamas in defiance of anyhitng that doesn’t resemble depression sticks with you until you snap out of your dreams of curtains blowing in the wind into the side of your body making you feel like you’re being held by your man but you’re not it’s all just a sad façade and nobody is coming for you they just aren’t you are gointg to die alone and never taste the next big thing that Arby’s comes out with it’s just not going to happen but if you snap out of it and get outside more often maybe the may hens will cluck with gladness at the fishing you once knew before the end seemed so untastefully near yes this is how the world will end with all of the sadness all of the grief falling together in a snowball tidal wave’s uncle who never took them to softball practice until the season was over and then it was just sad playing ball in the snow unless the fight was on and the pigeons’ souls were given flight and writability until the disaster movie was ove r and the theatre let out and noone was there to pick you up you sad prick you

Yhsis is the tantamount glory of Saturday that when you loved god and gave it your all it meant that slight of hand tricks only work on the ill-informed and nothing impresses an audience these days if they’re smart, regardless of their political or religious leanings oh bert your prude if there wree a way eoto exercise your demons don’t you thinik I would have brought them to your ski hill by now? It’s all a sham and you know it okay!?

This is the tantamount glory it’s the building that builds it and they will come to play in your corn field even if they’re dead especially when dead people come back to life to try their hand at fame and fortune and gian gain precedence over their lovely little soccer shaped face candy and then and then and then the lifters squeal like bike tires on sandpaper until the Oprah cglory gaze lifts the embers to your cheecks and screams for mercy because she has already unleashed the bees to her audience

But this is all besides the point and then only if they can really rescue you from stinking up the room do you really want to know what I think deep down inside then you had better dial 911 iff you really want the truth because scrips and scrip lightning will only grease fire you into submitting to your unclue you who is a terrorist these days only the tling and and the tliving andnow the not what you wish you knew for good ness sakes what does ness mean anyways nesting pylons freak out until the happening is over and you wake up in a tie dyed shirt with no pants and wonder how you got to Stockholm in the first place

It’s unfortunate that these daydreams whistle in your cheek bones and give not a thouhtt ot the guitars of yesteryear who grabbed a beer from a deer in headlights bright in the light and fog of drags and clogs for dragon flogging practice until the light of day wokaens you ups to what you already knew all along: This is the Neverland of your discontent and you will only ever rest again if you paint yourself into a neglije femur and wash your warts into the storm drains platypusian vitae.

This is where the ball ends the stories and stories end the ball. We are licking with our tongues more often then most people realize because this is for at home only in the private sphere where the wives stay in the kitchen and the husbands cheat on them in any way they can get their filthy hands into a waitresses pants because this is the way of the workd as unfortunate as it may seem but only you can prevent forest fires and only then will the angels of the house revolt and start gasp wearing pants again but it’s so true and the back wrad living life streams gently thorough the dull trees and walks a million acres to the dill weed dildo factory because that’s wehre they make the primo valentine machine, boyo. It’s wher you gots to go for that sticky weed really back woods off style grab a lunch and back off into netherwoods and grasp the clue of Scientology synonymous with South Park and Tom Cruise and little else and soon it will be this joke that no one will believe actually happened because it all hjust souds too spacey and dreamey and weirdo gallopogos island treats streams in the sunrise melting on a Dali clock rock picked by scorpions in a dead cow’s skull like that painter always intended because death is life and life is death and therefore death is living and all that silly junk we scream for life’s pickles to deserve better euthenasian extremeties and paint pictures of people living better lives than you ever knew and still the extemes steam up the bile and phlegm and disgustipating thoughts of this nature until the screaming dies down and invites in a host of demons to suck at the teat of everlasting gobstoppers who embraced capitalism with open arms never realizing that it was a sociopathic entity ready to feast on the dreams of Martin Luther’s prodigy and then the darkness…

And then the darkness was replaced by light on the third day and the lord saw that it was good. The world had become too dismal at the hands of the intrepid author and needed to be warmed up by the sun which always cured the devils of their unbloodliness. So now it’s all unicorns and daisies and rainbows and cupcakes everything is over saturated by a pink huey mess and huey lewis and the news is on the radio covering a song by King David it’s now Friday every day and the unicorns are actually really good at Karaoke and every is overly entertained and sadness is not outlawed but it is taken for granted that you will never be sad again no no no. I don’t think this is going to work out because if we learned anything from the saducees it’s that forgiveness is not reciprocal and neither is lovey duvey chewy wooey pukeyness

And then the lightness was destroyed once again by the author who could not fathom a pretty in pinky universe of bubblegum rainforests and daffodil dreamy lima beany withering cults. But it’s not all bad because the garbage man is always going to come to take away the sins of the world maybe that’s true maybe the garbage men and women of our world our the true Christ figures maybe they are the martyrs and saviours we always took for granted and if we have learned anyhint in the last seven months of logistics it’s that we never even swam the greatest until the smug bastards that stole our car were apprehended and beaten with billy clubs until they divulged the location of their hideout where they stashed their hidden agendas and covered it with gasoline and the worshipping hyenas rejoiced at the sight of a willed feline living in the desert of broken highways and byways and by the way we are all living in a sideways my way

It’s the cleverest of tales when the bales of rails fall on the midnight focusing crales to the crayon biggest steam train to the biggest waste of line ataion big falling big stalling dream boat annie lifts her skirt and gives the walters something to gossip about but it wasn’t her fault it came from an upbringing on the road

Giving tin to a farmer amounts to nothing because we will just grind it all down to salt in the end and pour it on our vegetables at midnight

Dreaming is the only way to access the parliaments and vieable endings we all knew were there if if wasn’t for that bully in regional we all would have gone to heaven on a million doolllar genius grant giving way the great est invention of alour lifetimes dreams and then they woke up from their days adnd pranced around in lily field destined for a great dream gliding in a steam ship dead or alive lighting souls aflame with bgiel wenl eig

Vivacious vivid villiains lift their chillins and send the pills to another doctor who didn’t know where to go anyways but tell the truth once and again and I will persist in explaining the ways the endings don’t match the beggars and thieves reel it in boy it’s ripe for the taking don’t amast in the blasts of cold arctic air are our flavours determined by ice cream catchers or stone mason lectures

This is the winter wer were wating watching listing the blisters to the government glivte slow down eito beisasts beasts for the blki post donon

Noggin tobaggon coincidence in autumn this is where the guilty pretend they only went to jauil to snort the Mexican jumping powder in their esophagus ditty

It’s easter and you are pretty

When you don’t think of everyone than nothing comes to mind

Guys are wishing they could all go to badminton tournaments all day every day but gals know it’s best to survive without the twenty four seven drop in centres

Your bingo card is full it’s time to get a new one because the game won’t continue without you you are the honoured guest the bride in waiting the blissful steam ship that went off course until it crashed into a groomy iceburg

Humour is one thing but breakthroughs get you through the hard times and crises you didn’t know were there until your fingers forced you to see the difference between a duck

If you only knew where you left your car keys you could leave me in peace again

I think it’s best to let the turkey run around the pen if it’s on a leash because it might spread its germs through the neighbourhood and knock up the neighbours cattle

Friday every day check it out losers it’s time party like you pretend to have somewhere to go

Going somewhere, girlfriend? I think you ought to reconsider the bong this week because you are starting to play it like a digeridoo

When life’s greatest troubles hands you lemonades, make it squirt you in the eyes until you bleed out on the floor. It’s okay, blood letting is a very standard procedure now here’s a health bill for five thousand dollars

It’s time to change your stereo to a mute monkeyshined witness from last year’s valentine’s day pukathon where all the little parents line up to teach their children how to be binge hounds and lose their wind pipe lining and break eggs on fabio’s face it’s nice to dream isn’t it little red hen?

But then the last week ewe met with a vengeance a spider from little italy that lasted a room temperature lining of coal spewing vile fluid into your membrane because it wasn’t dark enough yet oh no we can get more vile and defamed and deliberately insanely victum slaughter passed out with vigil and squire sock bottoms with jerry can roosters and rose coloured sweat shirts that live in a firmly split little belly of broken glass sword bilky trouser smike award season broke broke broke build blender blend me now!

Built this city on tomahawk black smoke dinosaurs

Bill the barty wore jeans shorts to join the army corp until he realized he was still at church summer camp and had sleepwalked through the courtyard in his under wear where the children laughed as he ran away and joined a Russian league of forest dweelers just north of Cold Lake but wait it gets worse

This is the last time you spoke with a moment’s notice into a microphone that stopped listening to your troubles and replaced them with its own.

While you were sleeping we removed your glottals so that you can stop pretending to trail off and learn to love the bomb

Weekends don’t involve Bernie when he’s not dead yet. Think about it.

This is the last time you focus on one object for too long because you become it and learn what sympathy will get you and you just end up turning into a computer screen and surfing the web until the cows come home

Blisters sucks and earthquakes fall onto the land wars in Italy but the mafia does exist I read it on a fortune cookie which was strange because I wasn’t even eating Chinese food at the time

Wind blows and rabbits snore but bagels don’t breathe anymore

Biceps crumble under the strong words of my dog Skip

Vivian, I wish you would learn to leave the lights on when you go to bed so I can feel my way to paradise

When the wind blows the cradle will probably not even move because the windows shut and you don’t even have a child why do you own a cradle you nihilistic whorebag?

Distant objects break the silence of sleeping sheep on a cold winter’s sheet rock gang attack and listless empty dockers

Dog rains until the green green greasy grass grows grumpy gritty grailly udders andy wore a cap until the unit nutted the sack

Andy dandy sandy wendy penned a lucky penny with a doctor in her twenties

Beg for mercy Dusty Springfield!

After a while it’s supposed to almost be unnoticeable though. why red? What effect is this supposed to have I certainly don’t feeled when I can’t even blink properly. I feel like red eye removal memory sink aouto eros malasia donkey lover I think about riches and glory and tomato soup mix red everything is red I have nothing to say keep typing type to typey doo day dee

What if I write about nothing what does it say about nothing. Nothing becomes something and ceases to be tomato soup mix. This is the state of our union onion doing that thing maybe that will spur on some inspiration perspiration elation word hello out there in radio land how are you today? Ton tonight’s show we will be eating roast beef and watching pantyhose dry on a clothes line isn’t that exciting I wonder if this is what we all hear but don’t know it and I’m just hearing it louder than you right now loudy doodah day I think a somnambulist since she felt ill during the exercise yesterday wait that was two days ago shutting off brain focus on meat cleaver mind melt jim beam polly wacker what the polly whant a meat lcleaver dayoo doo dah day walla walla bing bong fricassee my brain I hope the words are still yping is a funny word The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is an awesome movie moons over my hammy I make them at home and it tastes just like Dennys Denny hyum tym tym wackawackado ddah day oh I wonder what I still ca n recite?

I sure hope that when the monkey spouts the grease on the old oak tree the wise old owl doesn’t hcome looking for me hello again out there isn radio land. Today we will be reviewing the last few synapses in my brain well for starters, I would like to arddress I have no idea what’s going down around the gback woid ghere di my heart stop around the back baconsmell thatmushroom cloud it’s Hiroshima at midnight around the old oak tree watch out for the can you imagine if my house burnt down because oI couldn’t see or hear anthing? This lamp I’m using for the red light is bvery old Lightning Bolt. CGood band go tlisten to them right now! I command thee aI should check quickly I want to get to the big old chair with the beans growing in it in a bag chair bean chair bean abag cha labigamster now for a list of words that really ought to exitst:


Soda fig


Polly wacher






NHello again out ther in white noise radio land now for a shout to my peeps in three ninety four how art thou? Are you with me on this incredible journey? It’s time for a haiku:

There once was a name

Flew through the ocean door way

Flog a hamster plow

Where did we get off the bux before the exit are you recieiving the painted signal around the bend back ache bad chair slammers are pogs and ringos are dogs and if that didn’t hmake sense than Lewis Carroll is a fake! Actually it’s true look it up. He meant Alice in Wonderland as a protest against surrrrealism and even more so he was a mathematician who was against imaginary numbers so his surreal literature I mean absurd literature was meant to make fun of imaginary numbers it’s all ture He was a hard core Christian too and never did any drugs can you believe it? And every one tells you he was on opium when he wrote his stuff but nope nope nope I can read the red between the lighnint shades of York New rake the pew whello out there is radio brand time for these commercial messages:

where is my mind right now? Aon a cliff in Dover fetch the rover four leaf elemental collapsing cloverdiverinto the white noise until you brain bleeds mucus.

Do you go to a happy place or a plane of pure emotional swagger? What is it like to interpret the world through the movement of your body? I am the worst dancer ever at least I assume. I’ve never tried so I can’t really say. Iyahovahdoo another word that hould exist wow wow wow I need to supervise the clamchoder bacoloosneck polly to the front of my visterblister goo All the way home we we we

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming introducing milk! It’s made of mammory fluid, you know! Hooray! Milk milk milk the cow bow wow collapse the jaw into the fecal saw of grey matter pink white brown noise it’s all great hooray for therapy with ping pong I am going slowly crazy six five four three two one swithceroo dunkeroos do they still exist what idid I miss is the elephant show still battling the umbrella tree You can only wonder what can happen under under the umbrella treeeeeeee! Brown eyed galserase your pals and gins into your sdessert sfor free until the waves crash onto the dead metaphors o f yesteryear man was tyesterday trippy with the lecture on Riel and then poetry and oh my may if you havne’t read onbout it meh you didn’t miss much from what I wrote I have trouble discussing poetry readings boy oh boy am I worried about someone right now they seem to be in a dark place INXSINXS roory glad you U2 get yourself together you’ve got something to blah and you can’t get out of it don’t say that later will be bacon on a soundae morning hourienr woeir fowien Jesidl I can’t emeber alphabets tomacco was simpsons funny bizzangoo harharhar! Well now back to therapy land I don’t really know where the spoon went mbut man is Ween a geareat band these things come to me in altered states what the ruckaroo like a dunkaroo but instead of a kangaroo it’s a fuckeroooooooo swear word s bad words stupid people naïve lesser beings of stupidland think they’re saved by staying away from bad words boohoo if only you knew who the true glue pooed on your woowoo when you teach the class WOOOOOO I am entering your subconscious@!@!@@@ OOHOOOHOOWOWOWOW a and now back yo the Rcaoons

Raccoons will be right back I think I will trim the fat who goes around trimming fat and now for something completely different wI will now recap our program so far I said stuff and then other things happened and I’m starting to hate my currect state I’m not tripping out to the extent that I thought I would but I’m definitely not yping what I would have otherwise woienr weri jekn idlsne liejtomorrow days are coming to the hamster wheel hamster feel elexctric feel mgmt rhoeirn fjitl three to one zone out go to another mpplane of being where the electriodes don’t cry for help through loose poetry and the biceps cdreins cre rdeange around the rosey pocket full of gumdrops rainbow valley yhypocrites elevated level of dipstick rap songs ha sicker than your average poppa bust cabbage off instinct don’t think shit stick picnk gators my Detroit playters ditims for my hooligans in brrooklyn that’s right if you heard’s right biggey mbe there all night never lose cruise dois pay for foos in the moose living feedom back stab the peon s whow this is


To cuksuck truck buck for luck the crunk junk monkey with the unsung donkey is this fun or another vegetation starting to drool I think I should stop soon lest I go literally andaunalterably insande I have cno gandgoe imagine hard to tell if my eyeds are open some of this safety first nimrod mighty hunter he was in the bible look it up there is also a guy named peeleg in the bible. I shit you not good ol bible yes that’s the book for meeeeeee if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and belive in your heart that godd raised him from the daed you will be sayved for it is with your mouth the youdwait I got those mixed up boy oh boy I Forgive me bacon they know not what they do. I wonder what the gospels would I wonder what the new testament would look like itf you replaced jesus with bacon did I mention that lareadyyowi eejr where keys are? Found em again keeping woozy hfeling ooh I just saw an ear and A ghost from Mario appear in from nt of me that what I’ve been missing wohowa I’m seeing shit now It said mit might take a while Fire everywhere in my eye sockets making crazy images I forgot the white noise was there for quite a while now lets see if I rhear any dead relatives har har…

Snap out of it depression life’s gooottt! Hooray for life and auto writing and unicorns and gumdrop playgrounds with their slides wmade of sthe tears of sweat shop workers hooray I like the word hooray! And if you can’t understand the busniss I spleak of ject the cherry treats trees where is my clover down back bldouner grave whoarse whip the emo chicks into csubmission where is background clover better be one baest whow I am typing while daydreaming and I don’t even know what I just typed maybe that’s what  talking about and I don’t know maybe maybe

 and now it’s time for a poem… I call this poem the auto matic writing poem wahaha you’re already reading it and you didn’t even know it sucka!

And now a shout out to Bacon… mmmmmm bacon

And now a shout out to smokey the bear who will prevent forest fires in your community certainly not me because I am not there right now I am over here instead where did the pencil fall off the manhole cover of empty glad wrappers and rap smugglers of bibles into other countrys and martyers who died died adeid bfor Jesus bacon Christ and if you open up a hymnal and add the words “in the bathtub” at the end of every hymn it’s damn funny stuff hymn hymn him him him says the queen of france in my underpants because she likes to wear them indside out to make her presidential addresses in my underpants oh yeah how about them maple leafs falling to the ground Kessel wow what a surphrisietr hocky’s no interesting starting to hear knocking on my white noise chamber or is someone at the door impossible to tell drprivation yaeah booty ooty shake a wake a make a ryme time slime the chime grime blind in the mind of a rind of cheese please wank the the mees areensyolaboocaneegroflagno

Waving to the devil he flees from your stanksy handereeno is this getting unbearable to read I don’t do dod dod do care I do care why do I care so much blubber blubber blue true do ba day can’t keep it in can’t keep it isn no I cgotta let it out.. Pee wee herman was not german but many though t he was hitelr gregardless man these ping pong pong pong ding down ring rwrong and where was I on that though t ab absence makes the heart grow fungus

Where did this all go wrong I am an animal from mars preaching to a choir of dead dosgdogs and what about the piano made you funny to play it over a campfire stove and blanket rayband I know from caligary Calgary calvary caligari no coincidence there just like Obama and Osama there is a hidden link because they are minimal phonetic pairs or some shit red everywhere rainbow bright was a slut on mushrooms for wtwenty buck she painted herself like a whore and baptized chickens on labour day if only this was a speech I could run you through with my double egded sword but they’re just words and not weapons they hurty noone boo hoo children and now a shouldtlwine and now

And now for something completelt trhe same ramalama ding dong day where is my mind where is my mind wowowowow and now a shout out to Tim Burton… you suck, stop making movies!

pballs on your eyes and back bacon in your ears bacon do you like bcon? It’s the worlds’s best tereat for some reason people are obsesses with bacon and not other things instead some people exhaust their entire lives with bacon on the mind man I’m getting hungry now

Sensory sensory bababa deprivatioooooon@@@ that’s my new theme song horray for saurcraut now to write a poem in a poem like the matrix or inception or some lame shit like that:

Red Clock Backward Smackalantern

Beefcake pantyhose is what beck says
It’s what he says cause pez is a lez on
Backward smarckwards mark my f words it’s time for another cartoooooon!

So that as my loveliest poem ever and now it’s wow you’re sober as a fucking monk

Where was I? oh wright the lobster ate the spinning nun and it was fun cuase they govvled and woddled all day and I spin for the light of day keeps me sober four leaf locefer I am drunk as a plniko darling wing me over the sunside beefereeno aon the tablet of power from flowe

Best for not the few that di the thing around the old man’s lid for now the town for was clister clear for now the blister in her beer but if you walk to gumdrop lane the black and blues look all the same because with pickles in your eyes good gravey it’s time to fly the tire around the really short and boring words spewing form my hands that suddenly seem thirty feet way from my body wihich is somewhere else girght now I’m outy holy crap on a hot tin roof ithis is nuts aaahhhh@! What the crap is going on red lights everywhere perhaps this wan’st the besreatoij;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a eiesjlcan’t find keys maybe4 key here whatttt can’t stop typing

And now back to planet earth birth girth around the churches for birtches and itf you birth the baby Jesus he will run from you and take chevy and wrap it around a light pole outside your house on your twenty seventh birthday party because they are all alcoholi c scumbags with no legs and fever dreams on lick swank back around the best of us for show is not the way to go grow loud in the saddle uh oh yeah yeah baby hey Tim where you going with that banana in your hand? Don’t do it it’s a trap for the Mouseketeers a

And now

The Raccoons will be right back

Red red red red lights all around hot fever green don lkj lj now the keyboards is a piano and I will play mary had a little lamb lkjklllkkkl’’lkjkllllkklkj

Twinkle twinkle little star:

Jj;;’’;llkkjjh wait that’s not right fright bright allright now baby here we kick out the jams for fans of orangutans yes that’s right a read a book to a gopher on black bsabbath mass if you take the chance to black out the fur laden swag monster from chippendcale highway in you own worst maerktioi nfind find slke find find work find find work find find work working till the sun explodes school is hard school is easy school is both hard and easy and mostley hard and I ‘ve run out of brain things to brain brain wehere is the noise from the master of puppets and ndown the rabbit go until the waking wakey breaky heart of takc I thought this would be better than it is oh well at least I chuckled a bit and have no idea boy this must just sound like the rantings of a lunatic oh well oh well maybe I should do it all over againslknf wone


s$s said...

Only this
and behind it:

Wake up the neighbourhoods!

Cheap Rent
Cheap Food

and the secret of Christ is this:

If I don't walk on water
No one gets through

s$s said...

Sacrifice every thought!

s$s said...

First was NOTHING


Then SOMETHING decided it did not want to be EVERYTHING, so it said, "Hello! Anyone there?"

s$s said...

The darkness responded by saying:

"Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters"

s$s said...

Top ten rea$on$ for Ai$iting this$s blog:
10. Clown$
9. catch
8. old-fashioned
7. envelopes filled with
6. $uit-Lumber
5. Unexpected Bob
4. One
3. I've been
2. for the
1. Elvi$ cheer

s$s said...



s$s said...




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f r
b 6


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t ip


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t 9
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s$s said...

Eye Llluvvvvv plafffffter

Plafter Christmas said...

At this time, I am only accepting comments that sell me granite. I realize this is not always possible so I also accept gifts of marble, quartz, and jade.

s$s said...

This is KwartzZz:


and JaydDd: